Press Release
June 29, 2023 – Trailbreaker Resources Ltd. (TBK.V) (“Trailbreaker” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that it has completed the maiden diamond drill program at its 100%-owned Eakin Creek gold property in south-central British Columbia (BC).
The drill program consisted of 2,039 metres (of a planned 2,000 metres) across eleven diamond drill holes. Drilling commenced on May 24th, 2023 and was completed by June 20th, 2023. The drill holes covered 750 metres of strike length and 800 metres across strike (see Figure 1). The NQ-sized drill core was logged and split on-site by Trailbreaker personnel and sent to Bureau Veritas in Vancouver, BC for analysis.
The program was designed to test coincident induced polarization (IP) and geochemical anomalies outlined during the 2022 exploration program (see September 14, 2022 news release), as well as the numerous surficial gold showings found within these anomalies.
Daithi Mac Gearailt, CEO of Trailbreaker, commented: “This was a very well executed program and provided great coverage of our target area. The drill program went over the planned meterage and stayed under budget. I would like to thank our drill contractor, Paycore Drilling, for helping achieve our goals at Eakin Creek.”
All assay results remain pending.
About Eakin Creek
The Eakin Creek property is located 100 kilometres north of Kamloops, BC and can be accessed via Highway #24 and by well-maintained forest service roads (see Location map). The claims cover 1,610 hectares of prospective ground that drains into placer gold-bearing Eakin Creek.
The target was initially acquired due to: the historic ‘G Occurrence’ found on the highway in one of the few exposed outcroppings on the property, a field of gold-bearing boulder samples (inferred to be local), and a grouping of some of the highest gold-in-till values from regional till sampling in BC.
During 2022, Trailbreaker performed a 10.75 line-kilometre IP survey, a 302-sample Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) soil survey, and prospecting. A 1,000 x 600-metre area was defined as having an Au-Ag-Cu-Sb (gold-silver-copper-antimony) soil anomaly coincident with an IP geophysical anomaly. Also, widespread gold mineralization in bedrock and float samples was identified. The 2023 drill program was designed to thoroughly test this area.