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Trailbreaker Resources Expands Land Package and Receives Drill Permit for Liberty Copper Property

Press Release

Febraury 26, 2024 – Trailbreaker Resources Ltd. (TBK.V) (“Trailbreaker” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce the expansion of the Liberty property through claim acquisition and staking. The property is now 5,054 hectares in size, covering the mapped granitic intrusion, the copper-molybdenum (Cu-Mo) porphyry and Cu skarn targets, as well as an additional epithermal gold target.

In addition, an existing drilling permit for the Liberty property has been transferred to Trailbreaker. The permit allows Trailbreaker to conduct a first-pass drilling program to test the Liberty Cu-Mo porphyry target. Trailbreaker has initiated a “Request For Proposal” process with drill contractors to conduct a drilling program at Liberty in spring, 2024. This would allow for immediate follow-up exploration if results are favourable.

Message from the President

“By expanding the property, Trailbreaker has secured a first-mover advantage. The existing permit will strategically allow us to drill-test the Cu-Mo porphyry target while also advancing additional targets across the property. When we compare this property to Taseko’s Gibraltar Mine, we understand that these Cu-Mo porphyry systems can be very large and occur in multiple zones associated with the same plutonic body. With limited previous exploration across the property, we feel confident we can expand on the existing target footprint.” – Daithi Mac Gearailt

Liberty Property Description

The Liberty Property is located approximately 60 km northwest of Quesnel, BC. The property is fully accessible by resource roads.

The primary target of the Liberty project is a northwest-trending Cu-Mo ± gold (Au) ± silver (Ag) mobile metal ion (MMI) soil anomaly1 (Figure 1). This overlaps an induced polarization (IP) chargeability1 feature on the margin of the granitic intrusion. A historic drill hole to the south of this coincident anomaly returned an interval of 123.1 m of 0.11% Cu and 0.04% MoS21. For more information on this target see news release dated January 22, 2024 and the Liberty Project webpage.

In addition to the Cu-Mo porphyry target and the Cu-skarn target, which returned assay values of >8% Cu from historic trenching2, the expanded property also covers an epithermal gold target, where epithermal vein textures have been observed in a road cut2. Nearby soil and test pit samples returned anomalous grades of gold (Au) and arsenic (As)2. These may represent a lower-temperature epithermal portion of the hydrothermal system.

Figure 1: Expanded property outline, now covering 12 km of strike extent of the granitic intrusion potentially associated with Cu-Mo porphyry, epithermal gold, and Cu-skarn style mineralization.

Claim Acquisition and Staking

Trailbreaker staked an additional 1,007 hectares of claims along the southeast margin of the previous property boundary in order to cover the entire mapped granitic intrusion and any potential mineralization that may be associated with the intrusion.

As well, Trailbreaker purchased 100% interest in a claim block covering 2,148 hectares adjoining the property and extending it to the northwest of the previous property boundary, covering the northwest extent of the granitic intrusion and the epithermal gold target.

This expansion increases the property size from 1,898 hectares to 5,054 hectares, encompassing known prospective geological settings in the area.

About Trailbreaker Resources

Trailbreaker Resources is a mining exploration company focused primarily on mining-friendly British Columbia and Yukon Territory, Canada. Trailbreaker is committed to continuous exploration and research, allowing maintenance of a portfolio of quality mineral properties which in turn provides value for shareholders. The company has an experienced management team with a proven track record as explorers and developers throughout the Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Alaska and Nevada.


Daithi Mac Gearailt
President and Chief Executive Officer

Carl Schulze, P. Geo., Consulting Geologist with Aurora Geosciences Ltd, is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 for Trailbreaker’s BC and Yukon exploration projects, and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this release.



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