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Training required to bridge gap between Indigenous entrepreneurs and funds – Sask Today

Indigenous-owned Thunder Farms triumphs despite funding challenges.

THE BATTLEFORDS — When Thunder Farms started to make gains as a fully Indigenous-owned farm northwest of Battleford, Sask. three years ago, limited funding options were available.

Communications and training resources are essential for grant applications to access government funding incentives for Indigenous entrepreneurs.

“We had to invest in ourself. There was a lot of apprehension from big companies to help us, like banks,” said Thunder Farms manager Derrick Meetoos.

Federal Minister of Small Business Rechie Valdez recently announced $500,000 for the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business to support Indigenous entrepreneurs. Specific Indigenous entrepreneurship incentives are also supported by the government through programs like the Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund.

The funds are meant to increase Indigenous economic self-determination, part of the federal government’s commitment to renewing and improving relations with Indigenous peoples.

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