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Trigon Again Achieves Perfect ‘Green Marine’ Score

Press Release

June 25, 2024

Trigon is pleased to confirm that its long-standing certification via this independent and voluntary environmental certification program for the global maritime industry has been renewed for another year.

Trigon once again has the noteworthy distinction of having achieved a perfect score – five out of five – on each of the seven categories of environmental performance assessed.

“Re-certification is a great achievement and a perfect score even more so,” says Hasan Yahya, Director of Engineering and Environment. “All of us at Trigon can take a lot of pride in this.”

“It takes a team effort to make this happen, and everyone contributes to Trigon’s success in the Green Marine program,” adds Safety Administrator Mike Walden. “Simple things such as not idling vehicles and disposing of waste responsibly contribute to meeting the required criteria.”

Trigon submitted its detailed re-certification application in March, and this was then validated by a Green Marine auditor who conducted onsite validation.

The seven specific performance categories assessed include: air emissions and greenhouse gases, community impacts, community relations, dry bulk handling and storage, environmental leadership, spill prevention and stormwater management, and waste management. Indigenous engagement was among the areas of strength identified on Trigon’s part.

Photo caption:  Mike (left) and Hasan (right) receive the re-certification from Green Marine International President and CEO David Bolduc at an event in Halifax.



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