July 8, 2024
Federal court prevents transfer of Nunavut coastal fishing licences by Ottawa
The value of turbot caught in Nunavut-adjacent waters in 2023 rose 3.3 per cent to $129.9 million from $125.8 million a year earlier.
That occurred despite a decrease in the total allowable catch. The turbot limit for Nunavut in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) subarea 0 was decreased by 1,330 tonnes, or close to nine per cent in 2023. The total catch last year wound up at 16,237 tonnes, down from 17,438 tonnes in 2022.
The Northern and striped shrimp harvest increased by an even larger margin in terms of value. The $92.9 million catch in 2023 overshadowed 2022’s $86.7 million by 7.2 per cent. That growth in value belied a lesser quota — 16,589 tonnes in 2023 compared to 19,279 tonnes in 2022. There was even a higher allocation in 2023, as it was raised by 1,870 tonnes.
Read More: https://www.nnsl.com/business/turbot-shrimp-values-climb-in-nunavut-7366803