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Unifor Social Justice Fund helps build transitional housing

Press Release

April 4, 2024

Unifor Indigenous Relations Officer Gina Smoke was invited to tour the West Central Women’s Resource Centre (WCWRC) transitional housing project on March 29 to see the progress on the new facilities in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Unifor’s Social Justice Fund has donated $50,000 over two years to help the WCWRC build transitional housing for women seeking to escape domestic violence. The provincial and federal governments have also provided funding to the project.

Smoke was accompanied by members Kim Driedger and Leanne Sookram as WCWRC Executive Director Lori English reviewed how the project’s spaces would be used to serve women in the community.

“Unifor is very proud to have helped the Resource Centre with their work in housing women in need,” said Smoke. “The new space is both beautiful and productive and we know it will be a critical resource in the community.”

Also present were Member of Parliament Leah Gazan, Manitoba Minister for Transportation and Infrastructure Lisa Naylor, Minister of Housing, Homelessness and Addictions Bernadette Smith, and Member of the Legislative Assembly Tyler Blashko.



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