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Workforce Well-Being in the North Superior Region

Press Release

Workers in the North Superior region are doing well in many areas of life, but encountering challenges in others. Northern Policy Institute’s latest publication assesses workforce well-being in the North Superior region and across Northern Ontario by measuring five “pillars of well-being”.

In a survey conducted in February 2023, workers living in communities served by the North Superior Workforce Planning Board (NSWPB) reported relatively high levels of well-being in four areas of life (or pillars): emotional and mental, social and community, purpose and meaning, and physical. These results show that employers, communities, and service providers have created an environment in which workers can thrive in various areas of life.

Nevertheless, the study revealed some less positive facts too. Across Northern Ontario, workers reported lower levels of financial well-being, suggesting that personal finances are a major source of stress. Furthermore, workers in the North Superior region reported lower levels of emotional and mental and social and community well-being than workers living elsewhere in Northern Ontario.

Employers, communities, and service providers in the North Superior region have an opportunity to improve workforce well-being by targeting these dimensions of well-being where local workers have fallen behind their peers in other regions. It will be equally important to continue this survey in future years to understand whether this year’s results persist into the future and to see which dimensions of well-being are improving or worsening.

“Workforce well-being is important because workers make up a large share of our population and because happy and healthy workers are more productive” said author William Dunstan. “By measuring workforce well-being, we can learn which areas to target to improve workers’ lives today and ensure our prosperity tomorrow.”

Want to learn more about what workers in your region said? Read the report here:

Media Interviews: Author William Dunstan and NPI President & CEO, Charles Cirtwill, are available for comment. To arrange an interview, please contact:

Charles Cirtwill

President & CEO


About the Author:

William Dunstan holds a Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management from Carleton University. During his studies, William learned about the wide world of public policy and developed a particular research interest in economic policy and regional development. Professionally, he has worked in several policy-related roles both in the think tank sphere and with the federal government. Originally from Ottawa, William developed a love for Northeastern (or Central) Ontario and the region’s high quality of living during his time as an Experience North intern in 2021.

About Northern Policy Institute:

Northern Policy Institute is Northern Ontario’s independent, evidence-driven think tank. We perform research, analyze data, and disseminate ideas. Our mission is to enhance Northern Ontario’s capacity to take the lead position on socio-economic policy that impacts our communities, our province, our country, and our world.

We believe in partnership, reconciliation, collaboration, communication, and cooperation. Our team seeks to do inclusive research that involves broad engagement and delivers recommendations for specific, measurable action. Our success depends on our partnerships with other entities present in or passionate about Northern Ontario.

Based in Thunder Bay and Kirkland Lake, NPI is active in every region of Northern Ontario. During the summer months, we have satellite offices in communities across Northern Ontario staffed by teams of Experience North placements. These placements are university and college students working in your community on issues important to you and your neighbours.



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