World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network Announces the Finalists for
World Indigenous Journalism Awards 2014
June 2, 2014 – The World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network, WITBN is pleased to announce the eight finalists of the 2014 World Indigenous Journalism Awards (WIJA 2014) for the following categories:
Abuse (TG4, Ireland)
Disastrous Relief (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Canada)
Feathering the Nest (M?ori Television, Aotearoa New Zealand)
A Silent Genocide (M?ori Television, Aotearoa New Zealand)
New York Canoe (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Canada)
Tonga Ferries (M?ori Television, Aotearoa New Zealand)
New Brunswick Day After(Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Canada)
Sundance (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, Canada)
“This is the second year of this unique awards and we have received very strong journalism stories of critical and important issues among the Indigenous communities around the world,” said the Secretary General Patagaw Talimalaw. “One of WIJA’s mission is to raise the awareness of Indigenous stories and acknowledge the Indigenous perspective. We are pleased to see that most of the entries we received this year have achieved this criteria.”
The WIJA committee received a total of 22 entries this year. Through two rounds of judging panel, the nine-member WIJA 2014 jury, headed by Duncan McCue, reporter Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and adjunct professor at the UBC School of Journalism, decided on the eight finalists under the three categories, Best Videography, International Reporting, and Investigative Reporting.
The winners will be announced at the WIJA awards gala dinner during the World Indigenous Television and Broadcasting Conference 2014, KANATA 2014, on June 19 in Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada. One special recognition will also be announced at the dinner.
Launched in 2010, WITBN’s World Indigenous Journalism Awards, WIJA, honors excellence in audio-visual journalism that demonstrates superior journalistic skills in a form and manner best representing Indigenous storytelling. WIJA especially acknowledges the significance of journalism that best delivers the Indigenous perspective and contributes to leverage the public understanding of the Indigenous reality nationally and internationally.
WIJA seeks to recognize and reward the best examples of professional journalism in Indigenous television and audiovisual media.
In particular the awards looks to the portrayal of an Indigenous perspective on stories of local, national or international impact. Journalistic standards and ethics are the key component of this recognition.
The First Global Indigenous Television Media Network, in the Spirit of Sharing.
Established in 2008, the World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network is the first global alliance that aims to unify television broadcasters worldwide to retain and grow our Indigenous languages and cultures. Our commitment is to preserve and promote the Indigenous languages and cultures through media networking, news and program sharing, and television broadcasting. In the spirit of sharing, WITBN’s mission is to develop collaborative relationships among Indigenous television broadcasters to create various media opportunities for our members and help nurture Indigenous media worldwide.
For more information about WITBN and WIJA 2014, contact: or
Registration Now to KANATA 2014:
Click here to download the press release.
Click here to download the Journalism Awards poster.