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Youth should work, rather than fall into welfare trap – Vancouver Sun

OCTOBER 10, 2013

British Prime Minister David Cameron recently said that able-bodied youth under age 25 should no longer be allowed to collect unemployment or welfare benefits, arguing that it is too easy to become indolent right after high school.

“Today it is still possible to leave school, sign on (to a state welfare benefit), find a flat, start claiming housing benefits and opt for a life on benefits,” said the British leader in a recent speech to Conservative party faithful in Manchester.

Cameron is on to something – it is a bad idea for the young to get hooked on a life of dependency and sloth, and we wish mainstream politicians on our side of the Atlantic would be similarly brave. Ironically, for all the bad press some aboriginal leaders in Canada receive on occasion, at least one has blazed the trail for others in the same way that Cameron has in Britain.

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