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Bold Ventures and Lac Des Milles Lacs First Nation Sign Memorandum of Understanding – Bold Updates Quebec Activities

Toronto, Ontario November 12th, 2013 – Bold Ventures Inc. (BOL:TSX.V) (the “Company” or “Bold”) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Lac Des Milles Lacs First Nation (“LDMLFN”) concerning the Wilcorp Gold Project located approximately 14 kms northeast of Atikokan Ontario. Located proximal to the Quetico fault system in the Superior Geologic Province of Northwestern Ontario, the project work has identified a number of drill targets as a result of prospecting, sampling and Induced Polarization geophysical surveys. The Memorandum of Understanding encompasses environmental stewardship, business and job opportunities for the LDMLFN  as well as the contemplation of a longer term exploration agreement should the initial drilling program be successful and warrant additional work.  For project and corporate details please visit  and review the Wilcorp Project and Bold Ventures exploration efforts.

As a result of an ongoing review of geological, geophysical and recent prospecting work, Bold has refined its land position to include the best prospects for the Lac Grasset, Lac Agisko and Joutel properties. Lac Grasset now consists of 40 claims that comprise 2224 hectares (5495 acres). Lac Agisko consists of 22 claims totaling 1232 hectares (3044 acres). The Joutel Project now consists of 64 claims that comprise an area of 3188 hectares (7878 acres). The Lac Blondel property limits remain unchanged.  All four projects are located in the prolific gold producing Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Northwestern Quebec.  New maps and descriptions reflecting these changes will be posted on our website at


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