June 13, 2014
NANAIMO—CUPE BC’s strong support for social justice issues and campaigns continued this week with the union’s sponsorship contribution and presence at the Inclusion B.C. – Tides of Change Conference (June 11-14).
More than 500 delegates from non-profit community social services providers, self-advocates and activists heard from speakers and attended workshops hosted by the Nanaimo Association for Community Living, a CUPE 3376 certification. CUPE BC regional vice-president Michael Lanier from Local 1936, and National staff reps Cheryl Colborne and Tracey Mathieson, were on hand to present materials and promotional goods about CUPE, with assistance from Cheryl’s daughter Ella.
Delivering the keynote presentation on opening day was Dr. Cindy Blackstock, a member of the Gitksan Nation who has worked in the field of child and family services for more than 20 years. An author of more than 60 publications, Dr. Blackstock’s key interests include exploring and addressing the causes of disadvantage for Aboriginal children and families by promotingequitable and culturally-based interventions.