The Honourable Greg Rickford, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario, today issued the following statement regarding TransCanada Corporation’s announcement of agreements to proceed with their $1.9-billion Merrick Mainline Pipeline Project.
“We welcome today’s announcement of this major energy infrastructure project. Subject to regulatory approval by the National Energy Board, this project could transport natural gas 260 kilometres from Dawson Creek to Summit Lake.
“Subject to science-based regulatory review, our government strongly supports energy infrastructure projects that will create jobs and allow Canada to take advantage of the growing global demand for natural resources.
“As the world’s fifth-largest producer of natural gas, Canada is well positioned to meet the needs of the world’s fastest-growing energy markets. Canada has some of the strongest economic fundamentals anywhere in the world. We have a triple-A credit rating from all the major agencies. For the sixth year in a row, the World Economic Forum has ranked Canada’s banks as the soundest in the world.
“Today’s announcement demonstrates once again that Canada is an attractive source of natural gas for countries with needs to diversify and grow their energy imports well into the future.
“Pipeline safety is integral to the government’s plan for Responsible Resource Development. We have increased protections and we will only allow such energy projects to proceed if they are proven safe for Canadians after an independent, science-based environmental and regulatory review.”
Alexandra Lemieux
Office of Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources and
Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario
Natural Resources Canada
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Natural Resources Canada
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