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Federal Review Panel Issues Environmental Assessment Report for Proposed New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project

OTTAWA – October 31, 2013 – The Federal Review Panel reviewing the proposed New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project today announced that it is submitting its environmental assessment report to the federal Minister of the Environment. The report includes the conclusions, rationale and recommendations of the Panel.

The report follows a public hearing held by the Panel from July 22 to August 23, 2013. The public hearing began with General hearing sessions in Williams Lake followed by Topic-Specific sessions.  The Panel also held Community hearing sessions in the communities of Xeni Gwet’in (Nemiah), Tsi Del Del (Redstone), Yunesit’in (Stone), Tl’esqox (Toosey), Tl’etinqox (Anaham), ?Esdilagh (Alexandria), Stswecem’c Xgat’tem (Dog Creek) and Esk’etemc (Alkali Lake).

During the public hearing, the Panel received submissions and heard presentations from interested parties including the proponent, First Nations, federal and provincial government agencies, local government, environmental groups, individuals and organizations, on the potential effects of the project on the environment.

The Panel report and the executive summary are available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, registry number63928.

The proponent, Taseko Mines Ltd., is proposing to develop an open pit gold-copper mine located 125 km southwest of Williams Lake, B.C. The proposed project also includes tailings and waste rock areas, an onsite mill, a 125-km power transmission line, an access road and a load-out facility.

The Panel is an independent body, appointed by the federal Minister of the Environment to assess the environmental effects of the proposed project. The Panel was appointed in May 2012 and its Terms of Reference detail how the review was to be conducted and the specified time frame.


Media may contact:

Lucille Jamault
Federal Review Panel
New Prosperity Project
Tel.: 613-957-0434 / 613-552-5253


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