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Forum Commences Ground Gravity Survey To Follow-Up Significant Radon Results From The Clearwater (Patterson Lake South) Claims

Vancouver, B.C., November 14, 2013 – Forum Uranium Corp. (FDC: TSX-V) has commenced a ground gravity survey over priority target areas on its 100% owned Clearwater Project on trend and immediately adjacent to the southwest of the Alpha Minerals/Fission Uranium Patterson Lake South (PLS) discovery. The gravity survey will be conducted over significant radon anomalies and priority areas of electromagnetic (EM) conductors along strike with the PLS discovery. This will identify areas of low density rock, typically caused by alteration halos that may be associated with uranium mineralization. The survey is scheduled to conclude by early December.

Soil gas radon surveys conducted earlier this fall on Forum’s claims returned comparable and higher results (up to 1.33 pCi/m2/sec) than those reported by Alpha/Fission, immediately west of the PLS R00E discovery zone, where maximum results of 0.95 pCi/m2/sec were returned. (Source: Fission Uranium Corp website). Similarly, radon in water results from a small lake on trend with PLS returned higher results of up to 18 pCi/liter compared to a maximum value of 12 pCi/liter directly overlying the Alpha/Fission R390E deposit (see press release dated October 22, 2013).

Forum views these results as significant given that these anomalous areas of radon were detected by RadonEx Ltd., whose Electret Ionization Chamber technology was highly successful in detecting the PLS uranium deposits. New data collected from the ground gravity survey will add to the information currently being analyzed to identify drill targets for the initial drill testing planned for January, 2014. In addition, a new radon sampling survey in lakes is planned as part of the winter 2014 program.

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