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Grow Greenstone Expo: Stoking the Ring of Fire

MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE, ONTARIO – March 12, 2014 – Ring of Fire development has been a hot topic in Northern Ontario for years. With the potential for unprecedented economic benefits to the region, the Municipality of Greenstone began to formulate a plan to capitalize on this opportunity.

With projects of this magnitude there are many stakeholders involved and many things that need to happen prior to the commencement of any actual mining. For First Nations it is agreements and environmental impacts; for government it is regulatory requirements and budgets. For the mining industry itself there is concern regarding investor relations, commodity prices and capacity issues.

The stakeholder group that remains excited is the region’s residents. The potential to see massive economic growth in a region that has witnessed a tremendous decline in industry in the last 25 years is very exciting, and the region is working to prepare for this boom.

“We understand that progress is not moving as fast as some had anticipated and we may think we have time to prepare for development but Greenstone recognizes that as fast as the flames on the Ring of Fire waned, the fire can rage again.” says Mayor Renald Beaulieu. “We are working steadily to prepare to be an integral part of the mining industry in Northern Ontario.”

The Municipality of Greenstone is forging ahead in its preparations. With developments and expansions in broadband access, 230KV power grid connection to remote areas, road and rail access, as well as the Greenstone Regional Skills Centre focussing on training the workforce for employment in mining and related sectors, Mayor Beaulieu adds “we have ample land that will be available to accommodate demand. Property will be available for commercial and light industrial needs and transportation linkages are being evaluated and will be upgraded as necessary. Greenstone isn’t slowing down.”

To showcase the developments and encourage business growth, the Municipality of Greenstone is organizing an event called the Grow Greenstone Expo, March 17 and 18, 2014. This is the 2nd Annual Grow Greenstone Expo in Thunder Bay, ON, where business owners, mining executives, regional leaders, and those interested in entering the industry will come together to network and share knowledge and experience. The Grow Greenstone Expo is free to attend, open to the public and features two distinct areas: the Business and Workforce Expo, and the speakers presentation area. Monday evening there will also be a gala dinner with keynote speaker the Hon. Michael Gravelle.

The Business and Workforce Expo is unlike other tradeshows. Bringing together suppliers and procurement specialists, potential employers and employees, and new workers and training options, the Business and Workforce Expo is designed to forge relationships in the region.

Many government and industry experts will be presenting and facilitating discussions throughout the expo, including former Ontario Premier and Matawa Ring of Fire Negotiator the Hon. Bob Rae. There will be a presentation by Ewan Downie, CEO of Premier Gold Mines. Premier Gold has recently completed a PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessment) at the Hardrock site in Geraldton, ON and is expecting to begin formal Environment Assessments in 2014. This project will have large economic benefits for the Municipality of Greenstone and the surrounding area.

Tickets for the Gala are $50 and available by calling 622-1979.

Mayor Beaulieu adds “the Grow Greenstone Expo is the best place to learn about the mining industry, how to fit into it and how everyone in the region, businesses and individuals included can maximize their position in the development.”

For complete details visit
To view the Ring of Fire map, please visit the following link:


Grow Greenstone Expo
Stephanie Reid

Municipality of Greenstone
Jamie Armstrong
807-854-1100 ext. 2034



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