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Guiding Circles Step 2 Workshop: Finding New Possibilities

Guiding Circles Step 2 Workshop

Guiding Circles Step 2 Workshop


Date: March 26-27, 2014  
Location: Calgary, AB

The Guiding Circles 2 workshop trains career practitioners to use Part 2: Finding New Possibilities to assist their clients. The Guiding Circles 1 workshop is not a pre-requisite for this workshop. However, it is highly recommended that you have an understanding of the foundational concepts from that workshop related to helping individuals know themselves.

Public training session – all are welcome to register.

Registration Deadline:

» About this workshop

Guiding Circles I & II
Workbook: $6.00 + GST per book
Facilitator Training Workshop:

Fee (Non- profits): $ 595 +GST 
Non-profit includes: Educational institutions/Governments/ Aboriginal Employment Centres (Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Agreement holder) and other non-profit employment organizations.
Fee: $ 595 for the two day workshop and includes a value of $60 of books.

Fee (standard price) : $ 895.00 + GST for all other companies.
Includes two day workshop and $60.00 value in Guiding Circles books.

Proceeds from book sales and workshops help the council offset the cost to administer the program. Funds are reinvested into the program for future initiatives in the area of Aboriginal career development


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