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New Brunswick shale gas fight will continue, chief vows, criticizing … – National Post

New Brunswick shale gas fight will continue, chief vows, criticizing RCMP for ‘horrendous’ handling of opposition


ELSIPOGTOG FIRST NATION, N.B. — The people of the Elsipogtog First Nation will continue their fight against shale gas exploration in New Brunswick, the community’s chief said Monday as he criticized the RCMP for the way it handled a protest last week that spiralled out of control.

“What the RCMP put our people through was almost horrendous, to say the least,” Aaron Sock told a news conference.

Sock said every effort will be made to keep its opposition peaceful after 40 people were arrested and weapons seized when the Mounties enforced a court-ordered injunction Thursday to end the blockade of a compound near Rexton, where SWN Resources stored exploration equipment and vehicles.

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