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Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Leaders Meet to Discuss Fisheries Mandate

For Immediate Release
October 3, 2013

A Fisheries Mandate that has recently been introduced by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) for the Atlantic was discussed among the Chiefs and Councils today at the Fifth Annual Nationhood Conference. Fourteen years after the Supreme Court of Canada recognized the right to a Moderate Livelihood Fishery in the Marshall Decision, DFO has finally received the mandate to begin discussions with the Mi’kmaq on how to implement this right.

Although there is still much to be discussed, this confirms that the lines of discussion between the Government of Canada and the Mi’kmaq will be opened on this issue.

The mandate, as introduced, has both long-term and short-term components for negotiations on a number of issues, including access, allocation, management and consultation of the Aboriginal fishery in Atlantic Canada.

“There are still more questions than there are answers,” said Chief Terrance Paul, Co-Chair of the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Chiefs. “We need to continue discussions with our Councils, Fisheries Managers and community members on how we will move forward as a nation”

This mandate, how the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia want to structure themselves and next steps, will continue to be a main topic for discussion.


For more information contact:
Shara Johnson, Communications Officer
Mi’kmaq Rights Initiative
Cell: (902) 322-0218


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