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Orillia Memorial March for Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women this Friday – Orillia Packet

February 13, 2014

Two aboriginal women are marching in Orillia this Friday to bring awareness to the “genocide” taking place in Canada against native women.

Gladys Radek, who led a 7,401-kilometre walk across Canada last year to bring awareness to and honour the murdered and missing women through her Tears4Justice group, is moving to Orillia.

She’s barely unpacked her bags and she is already hosting the first annual Orillia Memorial March for Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women to begin at the Orillia Native Women’s Group at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to take part.

She has been fighting the issue for the past eight years since her niece, Tamara, went missing from the Highway of Tears Sept. 21, 2005. The Highway of Tears is the name given to the portion of Highway 16 Yellowhead between Prince Rupert and Prince George, B.C.

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