Continued investment in infrastructure demonstrates the Alberta government’s commitment to provide the resources necessary to respond to the province’s nation-leading population growth.
Highways, schools, hospitals, disaster recovery assistance for municipalities – these are but a few of the many ways Alberta’s $5 billion Capital Plan made Albertans’ lives better in 2013-14.
“Alberta recently reached four million people and we continue to grow by nearly 300 people each day. The Alberta government is making smart investments to provide schools, roads, health facilities and other infrastructure in cost-effective ways to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population and make sure Albertans get the best value for their tax dollars.”
Wayne Drysdale, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Infrastructure
“Having strong communities will help us make the most of Alberta’s healthy financial position and ensure a better quality of life for individuals and families. The new Royal Alberta Museum project is just one example of community-building as part of our approach to managing growth.”
Heather Klimchuk, Minister of Culture
Over the 2013/2014 fiscal year, government continued to invest in priority areas identified in the Building Alberta plan, including:
o Central Alberta Cancer Centre in Red Deer;
o Strathcona Community Hospital;
o Alberta Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit;
o Bow Island Health Centre;
o University of Alberta Hospital’s endoscopy suite expansion; and,
o Alberta Hospital food services.
o Municipal Sustainability Initiative grants;
o GreenTRIP transit system grants;
o water and wastewater systems; and,
o disaster recovery assistance for the 2011 Slave Lake wildfire.
o twinning, interchanges and other construction;
o 48 kilometres of twinning on Highway 63; and,
o rehabilitation of 438 kilometres of roads.
The government also provided $204 million of infrastructure support to communities, families and small businesses affected by the 2013 southern Alberta floods.
Under the , our government is investing in families and communities, living within our means, and opening new markets for Alberta’s resources to ensure we’re able to fund the services Albertans told us matter most to them. We will continue to deliver the responsible change Albertans voted for.
Related information
Media inquiries
· Parker Hogan
Press Secretary, Infrastructure
· Trish Filevich
Press Secretary, Culture