Executive Summary
The Treasury Board Secretariat Directive on the Evaluation Function requires that departmental heads of evaluation prepare an annual report on the state of performance measurement in support of evaluation. In 2009, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) tabled its first report, which covered activities for 2008-09. The report identified ten attributes of quality performance measurement systems in high performing organizations. These attributes were then employed as benchmarking criteria against which the AANDC performance measurement activities could be examined. These same criteria form the basis of the current report, which covers 2009-2011.
Key Findings
During the two years, AANDC has taken steps to establish the foundation for advancing performance measurement in the Department. As a first step, the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Branch (EPMRB) added the development of performance measurement strategies to its annual plan to encourage the collection of information on results to inform future evaluations. The Branch also created a governance process that engaged internal partners in the development of performance measurement strategies and senior management in the approval of strategies.
A performance measurement team was formed and created information sessions and materials to raise awareness of the importance and use of performance data and encourage a shift towards results-based management. Capacity development was also encouraged through the creation of a guide for the development of performance measurement strategies and the provision of advice to program representatives. In addition, they coordinated a special study on thematic indicators to assist with the identification of indicators. Between April 2009 and March 2011, a total of 19 performance measurement strategies were reviewed by the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee, which is chaired by the Deputy Minister.
Other sectors have also been working to advance performance measurement. Several program areas, including education, infrastructure, consultation and policy, and child and family services have developed, or are developing, information management systems that will capture performance information. AANDC also has a current and active Information Management Strategy.
The Aboriginal Peoples Survey (APS), has been a key source of information on a broad array of demographic and socio-economic characteristics of First Nations, Métis, Inuit, men and women, and for all of Canada (on reserve, North, off reserve, urban). AANDC has been working to resolve participation issues for the next generation of the APS.
Read More: http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1385579820959/1385579861619