Press Release
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, January 2021
Manufacturing sales rose 3.1% to $56.2 billion in January, exceeding the level observed before the COVID-19 pandemic (February 2020) for the first time. Higher sales of wood products, computer and electronic products, and primary metals contributed the most to the gains.
Industrial Product Price Index: Flash estimates, February 2021
According to flash estimates, the Industrial Product Price Index increased 2.5% in February.
Experimental indexes of economic activity in the provinces and territories, November 2020
In November, economic activity decreased or decelerated in most provinces and territories. This finding is reflected in both the principal component analysis (PCA)-based and the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)-based economic activity indexes.
School Closures and COVID-19: New tool to understand impacts on children
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect communities and families across the country, with many having lost family members and friends. In order to curb the spread of the virus, policy-makers across Canada have temporarily closed schools and employed remote-learning approaches. While intended to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths, there may be unintended consequences associated with these measures that may impact the 5.7 million children and youth attending primary or secondary school in Canada.
Crushing statistics of major oilseeds, Canada and United States, 2020
Canadian oilseed processors crushed 10 290 286 tonnes of canola in 2020, up 7.1% from 2019, while the amount of soybeans crushed declined 7.8% to 1 757 270 tonnes. Oil production totalled 4 495 495 tonnes for canola and 318 788 tonnes for soybeans, while meal production totalled 5 786 430 tonnes for canola and 1 364 458 tonnes for soybeans.
Canada’s Core Public Infrastructure Survey: Microdata, 2018
The microdata file containing the 2018 inventory, condition, and asset management strategies of core public infrastructure assets owned by various levels of Canadian government is now available upon request.
Proximity Measures Database: Additional indicators
Two new measures of proximity are now available upon request. The new measures are proximity to cultural and art facilities and proximity to indoor recreation and sports facilities. Each measure is provided at the dissemination block level. The computational methods used to generate the measures are presented in the paper, titled, “Measuring proximity to services and amenities: An experimental set of indicators for neighbourhoods and localities.”