Press Release
Diversity of charity and non-profit boards of directors: Overview of the Canadian non-profit sector
Almost one-third of participants reported that their organization has a written policy to promote diversity on its board of directors, and women accounted for almost 60% of participants who are board members.
Consulting services, 2019
The management, scientific and technical consulting services industry group reported $22.4 billion in operating revenue in 2019, an increase of 5.3% over 2018. This was an acceleration in growth compared with the 3.6% increase in 2018. This industry group offers consulting services in various sectors, such as human resources, information technology, science and economics, management and the environment. Operating expenses grew 5.6% to $15.9 billion in 2019, resulting in an operating profit margin of 29.0%.
Retail Commodity Survey, November 2020
Retail sales reached $55.4 billion in November, an increase of 4.2% compared with the same month a year prior. This was the sixth consecutive year-over-year increase in sales for the sector. Higher sales were reported in 11 of the 19 commodity categories.
Canadian business counts, December 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to alter the business landscape. Some businesses have closed permanently, some have grown and others have been temporarily closing or reopening.
Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, January 1, 2021
During the fourth quarter of 2020, there were disruptions to the food supply chain because of temporary closures and production slowdowns at slaughter and meat processing facilities resulting from COVID-19, which affected the stocks of frozen and chilled meats.
Data availability: New motor vehicle registration survey, third quarter 2020
Data from the third quarter of 2020 for the New Motor Vehicle Registration Survey are now available. These data contain information related to the number of new motor vehicles registered in Canada.