Press Release
Oct. 17, 2023
PORTLAND, ORE. – The 19th round of negotiations toward a modernized Columbia River Treaty were held in Portland, Ore., on Oct. 12 and 13, 2023.
During this round of talks, negotiators representing Canada and the United States made progress toward an agreement-in-principle on operational and other issues. The teams will continue to address compensation and bilateral treaty-ecosystem provisions in the coming weeks.
If an agreement-in-principle is reached, the Province will engage with B.C. Columbia Basin residents and First Nations to explain what is being proposed and seek feedback. The B.C. government has been speaking with First Nations in the basin, local governments and the public since 2012 to learn what they want to see changed in a modernized treaty. That input has been informing Canadian negotiating positions and proposals. B.C. has committed that no modernized treaty will be finalized until the people of the Columbia Basin have been consulted.
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Columbia River Treaty Team
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
PO Box 9314 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9N1
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
Media Relations
250 208-6183