March 25, 2014
OTTAWA — The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) supports the passage of Bill C-9, First Nations’ Elections Act, with amendments to enhance the governance of First Nations and ensure elections are conducted fairly.
Aimée Craft, past chair of the CBA’s National Aboriginal Law Section, will appear before the Senate Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples on Tuesday, March 25, at 10:30 am in Room 160-S, Centre Block.
The CBA previously appeared before the Senate Committee in 2012 on a previous version of the legislation. The March 25 submission is available on the CBA website.
The CBA is dedicated to support for the rule of law, and improvement in the law, and the administration of justice. Members include some 37,500 lawyers, law teachers, and law students from across Canada.
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For more information, please contact Hannah Bernstein.