Press Release
Industrial product and raw materials price indexes, January 2021
The Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI) rose 2.0% in January, mainly as a result of higher prices for lumber and other wood products, as well as energy and petroleum products. The Raw Materials Price Index (RMPI) was up 5.7%, driven primarily by higher prices for crude energy products.
Computers, peripherals and software price indexes, January 2021
The computers, peripherals and software price indexes are now available for January.
Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index, January 2021
The Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index (2003=100) is now available for January.
Non-residential capital and repair expenditures, 2021 (intentions)
Capital expenditures on non-residential construction and machinery and equipment are expected to increase 7.0% to $266.2 billion in 2021.
Dairy statistics, December 2020
The total amount of milk sold off farms in December increased by 3.5% year over year to 806 498 kilolitres. Meanwhile, milk sold off farms for fluid purposes rose 4.6% to 247 091 kilolitres. Milk sold off farms for industrial purposes grew 3.0% year over year to 559 406 kilolitres.
Poultry and egg statistics, February 2021
Data on stocks of frozen eggs and poultry meats, as well as edible dried egg products, are available for February. Data on the placements of hatchery chicks and turkey poults are available for January, and data on egg production are available for December.
Fertilizer Shipments Survey, second quarter 2020/2021
Data on the shipments, production and market inventories of fertilizer in Canada are now available for the second quarter of the 2020/2021 fertilizer year.
Weekly update: Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19
The Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19 presents selected indicators to help monitor the impact of the pandemic on economic activity in Canada.