Press Release
Impact of cybercrime on Canadian businesses, 2023
While digitalization and a growing online presence have created many new opportunities for Canadian businesses, they have also exposed businesses to new cyber security risks. In 2023, total spending on recovery from cyber security incidents doubled from 2021, demonstrating the growing importance of cyber preparedness.
Canada’s Core Public Infrastructure Survey: Replacement values, 2022
At the end of 2022, transportation and water infrastructure in Canada had a total replacement value of $2.6 trillion. Local and regional government organizations were responsible for almost three-quarters (72%) of this infrastructure.
Vehicle registrations, 2023
In 2023, the total number of road motor vehicles registered in Canada was 25.7 million, down slightly (-0.3%) from 2022. The majority of registrations (91.7%) were light-duty vehicles, with electric vehicles accounting for 3.9%, up from 3.0% in 2022.
Monthly Energy Transportation and Storage Survey, August 2024
Data for August on the transportation and storage of crude oil and other liquid petroleum products are now available.
Monthly Mineral Production Survey, August 2024
Data from the Monthly Mineral Production Survey and the Monthly Survey of Smelters and Metal Refineries are now available for August.