Press Release
Retail trade, December 2023
Retail sales increased 0.9% to $67.3 billion in December. Sales were up in five of nine subsectors and were led by increases at motor vehicle and parts dealers (+1.9%).
Employment Insurance, December 2023
There were 464,000 Canadians receiving regular Employment Insurance benefits in December, up 6,600 (+1.4%) from November.
Railway carloadings, December 2023
Canadian railways transported 31.7 million tonnes of freight in December, up 11.2% from December 2022. This was the second straight month of year-over-year growth and the largest increase in tonnage since January 2023.
What contributed to the slowdown of investment in Canada after the mid-2000s?
Investment in capital, which is the main driver of growth in labour productivity, has been weak in Canada since the mid-2000s.
Gender Results Framework: Data table update on federally appointed judges, 2023
Statistics Canada’s Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics (CGDIS) has released new data on the gender representation of federally appointed judges. The updated data table released today is part of the Gender Results Framework (GRF), first introduced by the Government of Canada in 2018 to track the progress made toward achieving gender equality in Canada.
Refined petroleum products, January 2024
Data for January on the production and inventories of refined petroleum products in Canada are now available upon request.