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The Daily Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Press Release

Indigenous peoples economic account, 2012 to 2021

Preliminary estimates of the Indigenous economy, defined as gross domestic income earned by Indigenous workers and Indigenous-led businesses (where 50% +1 of the owners identify as Indigenous), along with data on jobs held by Indigenous people, have been updated with this current release of the Indigenous Peoples Economic Account.

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Registered retirement savings plan contributions, 2022

In 2022, tax filers contributed a total of $54.2 billion to registered retirement savings plans, down 3.4% from 2021.

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Energy statistics, January 2024

In January, primary energy production was down 1.2% year over year to 2.0 million terajoules, with four of the six subsectors posting declines. Similarly, secondary energy production declined 0.6% to 0.5 million terajoules, mainly due to a pull back from refined petroleum products (-2.3%).

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Study: “Sandwiched” between multiple unpaid caregiving responsibilities

Who provides unpaid care in Canada’s care economy? In 2022, 13.4 million Canadians aged 15 years and older (42%)—over two in five people in this age group—provided unpaid care in the previous 12 months to children younger than 15 years old or to youth aged 15 years and older and adults with a long-term condition or disability. Of these unpaid caregivers, 13% provided care to both of these care-dependent groups, meaning that 1.8 million Canadians older than 15 years were “sandwiched” between multiple care responsibilities.

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Production and disposition of tobacco products, February 2024

Canadian manufacturers produced 1.3 billion cigarettes in February 2024, up 4.0% from January 2024. Cigarette production was 12.6% higher compared with February 2023.

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