Press Release
Government spending by function, 2023
Spending by the Canadian General Government—that is, all levels of government including the federal, provincial, territorial, local and other government entities combined—reached its highest level in 2023 on a nominal basis.
Economic and Social Reports, November 2024
There are four new articles available in today’s release of Economic and Social Reports.
Comparison of earnings between population groups
Earnings differences among population groups in Canada have received much attention, particularly in recent years. In an effort to explore the sources of earnings disparities between groups, many studies have used cross-sectional (at a point in time) earnings as the outcome of interest and White individuals as the comparison group.
Census of Agriculture: Content Consultation Report, 2026
Before each Census of Agriculture, Statistics Canada conducts an extensive consultation and qualitative testing process to ensure that the content of the questionnaire accurately reflects changes in Canada’s agriculture industry. The Census of Agriculture: Content Consultation Report, 2026 reference product is now available.
Oilseed crushing, milled wheat production, and major grain deliveries statistics, October 2024
Oilseed processors crushed 1 101 402 tonnes of canola in October. Oil production totalled 459 220 tonnes, while meal production totalled 648 271 tonnes.
Dairy statistics, September 2024
Dairy statistics for September are now available for Canada and the provinces.
Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort, 2021
Today, the 2021 Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort (CanCHEC) data are available upon request for the first time. The 2021 CanCHEC links the 2021 Census of Population long-form sample to the Canadian Vital Statistics – Death database (May 11, 2021, to December 31, 2022) and to the annual postal codes for mailing addresses (1981 to 2022). These data can be used to examine mortality by demographic, social and economic characteristics, such as age, education, geographic areas, housing, immigration and ethnocultural diversity, income, as well as by new census content to address emerging trends and issues (sex at birth and gender, Canadian military experience, etc.).
Gross domestic product at basic prices, by census metropolitan area, 2021
Data on the gross domestic product at basic prices, by census metropolitan area, are now available for 2021.
Weekly aircraft movements, November 9 to 15, 2024
Weekly data on aircraft itinerant movements are now available for November 9 to 15, 2024.