Building new relationships: AFN & IPAC collaborate on professional development day for senior First Nation administrators
June, 2016
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) are proud to announce their collaboration on a Professional Development Workshop for First Nation Government Administrators taking place Monday, July 11, 2016 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, the day before the AFN Annual General Assembly.
The seminar will focus on topics of specific interest and importance to First Nation government administrators, and give participants a chance to learn from each other’s experience, and from other governments and sectors. The three major topics for the seminar are: Comprehensive Community Planning, Innovations in Contracting and Infrastructure Development, and Transformational Leadership. Bob Rae, Senior Partner of OKT, whose legal practice focuses on First Nations, Aboriginal and Governance issues, will provide the opening keynote address.
The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nation citizens in Canada. The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) is the country’s leading network of municipal, provincial/territorial and federal public servants. It is a non-profit, membership-based organization that is committed to public service excellence. One of its priorities is to support the development of new relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous governments: relationships built on respect, cooperation and partnership.
Jonathan Thompson, Acting CEO for the Assembly of First Nations: “The AFN is pleased to partner with IPAC on this initiative aimed at enhancing the skills and capacities that are important for First Nations governance.”
Keynote speaker Bob Rae: “As the discussion in Canada turns more and more to “nation to nation relations”, issues of governance and jurisdiction are becoming more urgent.”
The day’s program, speaker and registration information are at: