Press Releases
FORT FRASER, BC, Feb. 11, 2015 – Nadleh Whut’en First Nation Council says it is no longer “business as usual” with respect to resource development in its territory: Industry and the Crown must accept the existence of our Yinka Dene environmental laws or they will find that investment conditions are not present to allow their projects to succeed.
The announcement comes as Nadleh Whut’en is in court challenging the constitutionality of the Crown’s conduct in relation to both oil and gas pipelines.
Nadleh Whut’en First Nation Chief Martin Louie stated: “First Nations are ready to be part of the solution to fostering a thriving economy and a healthy environment in BC,” “Yet we’ve seen nothing but business as usual since last summer’s Tsilhoqut’in decision. Conflict continues and no final investment decisions have been made in any LNG project.”
Chief Louie believes it is key for resource companies and the Crown to respect the fact that Yinka Dene laws are the laws of the land when it comes to projects in their territory.
“Along with over a hundred other nations, Nadleh Whut’en has banned the proposed Enbridge pipeline project from our territories, but the issue is bigger than Enbridge,” said Chief Louie. “The potential is there for many other types of projects and developments to proceed responsibly in our territory, whether LNG, logging, mining, or oil by pipeline – if our laws and standards are met. As soon as Enbridge was stalled, oil by rail shipments increased dramatically.” said Chief Louie.
Nadleh Whut’en understands that by effectively blocking the Enbridge pipeline, the result has been that upwards of hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil are and will be transported by rail. It is our belief, and that of many other experts, that railways are not a safe method for transportation of toxic products like oil, bitumen, and solvents.
Oil shipments by rail in Western Canada are expected to increase by up to three fold over the next year. In an effort to be pragmatic and participatory, we recognize the need for our involvement in the environmental assessment, approval and monitoring processes for these large-scale pipelines. We believe that we can better protect our lands and the environment by engaging actively and directing the regulatory process.
Nadleh Whut’en First Nation has moved to call on the provincial government to immediately take steps to ensure that no further resource approvals are granted in Nadleh Whut’en territory unless they conform to terms under Yinka Dene law.
According to a statement by Nadleh Whut’en Council, “Appreciating the fact that the British Columbia government seems now willing to engage with us on a Government to Government basis, we are hopeful that our discussions will produce positive results by agreeing that the approach must conform to the Yinka Dene laws, in shared decision making negotiations.”
“Shipping oil by rail is not safe, and we are not consulted in spite of these trains going through our Territories. We believe that we can better protect our lands and the environment by engaging in the project development process, instead of boycotting it,” concluded Chief Louie.
Background Information:
Nadleh Whut’en First Nation has moved to outline the following terms under which government and industry must engage regarding the development of resource projects within their territories:
Commercial terms:
Terms consistent with respecting Yinka Dene law:
Respecting that Nadleh Whut’en First Nation and Council are the owners and stewards of the land, declares that:
First Nation Voices Frustration With Developments in its Territory: Looks to Eagle Spirit Project as Potential Model for Moving Forward
While the following is not an endorsement of the Eagle Spirit Energy Project (ESE), Nadleh Whut’en is carefully examining this project as a potential demonstration project for Aboriginal resource development. The ESE project has the potential to establish many pioneering milestones if partnerships with industry, and the provincial and federal government’s can be established with mutually-shared benefits. Future consideration, participation and support therefore, will be based on and conditional upon, the following:
Nadleh Whut’en Council will continue to monitor and work with Eagle Spirit Energy through our due diligence process, given we are:
SOURCE Nadleh Whut’en First Nation Council
For further information: Martin Louie 250 570-7759