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First Nations angry over being shut out of CNRL plan to drain lake … – Edmonton Journal

First Nations angry over being shut out of CNRL plan to drain lake, contain leaking bitumen

Bands concerned about environmental impact on traditional lands

SEPTEMBER 26, 2013

EDMONTON – First Nations on the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range are angry they were not consulted about oilsands company CNRL’s plans to drain a small lake to figure out how to contain bitumen leaking into the water.

Draining a lake is potentially a major disruption to the ecosystem on traditional lands and raises serious questions about the safety of CNRL’s high pressure steam extraction method, says Crystal Lameman of the Beaver Lake Cree.

“This area will never be the same and it shows the damage oilsands spills can cause and just how little we know about this type of underground technology,” said Lameman.

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