Government of Yukon provides update on heap leach failure response at Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine
Press Release
Activities on-site
Work continues on site to advance critical environmental protection and human health and safety measures in the four priority areas of: contaminated water storage, water treatment, groundwater monitoring, and heap stability.
Efforts have also focused on ensuring safe camp facilities for the workers on site.
Construction of the berm continues.
Yukon government wishes to acknowledge the work that site staff and contractors are doing to progress remediation efforts.
Water monitoring
From August 29 to September 5, low and “non-detect” concentrations of cyanide were observed at all water monitoring locations in Haggart Creek.
All concentrations of cyanide detected in Haggart Creek during this period were below the relevant guideline for the protection of aquatic life.
Water monitoring in the receiving environment is ongoing to ensure any changes to current conditions are detected
Numerous groundwater wells have been installed and water quality data is anticipated to be available next week.
Fish monitoring
Mitigation measures continue to be in place to prevent fish from entering the area adjacent to the mine site, on Haggart Creek.
These measures consist of installed fish fences, prohibiting fish passage into this area.
The Government of Yukon and the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun are working closely with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to ensure fall migration patterns of fish are not disrupted.
There have been no new reports of further fish die-offs in Haggart Creek.
Media contact
John Thompson
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources
Simon Kishchuk
Communications, Environment