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ONWA releases the latest edition of their official publication, She Is Wise Magazine

ONWA releases the latest edition of their official publication,
She Is Wise Magazine

Toronto ON – The winter solstice marks the official release of the Ontario Native Women’s Association’s (ONWA) latest edition of the She Is Wise magazine.

In this issue, we recognize and celebrate Indigenous women’s traditional knowledges and practices in health care and well-being. Indigenous women have been incorporating the importance of community care within their communities for hundreds of years. As leaders, Indigenous women have been pushing for health equity in Western health care systems through advocacy work and promotion of traditional healing practices.

ONWA’s ninth edition of the She Is Wise publication highlights stories of mutual care, advocacy, Indigenous women’s wellness, and healing through art.

Feature stories include:

  • Cover story featuring Ma-Nee Chacaby and Michelle Derosier, who share their story of caring for community, kindness, and the donation and receiving of a kidney.
  • Indigenous women in Canada who advocate for change in the Canadian health care system.
  • Indigenous women leaders have called for action in response to multiple deaths caused by systemic racism, including the recipient of ONWA’s 2023 Indigenous Woman of the Year Award, Francine Shimizu.
  • Traditional Indigenous midwives who have highlighted the importance and successes of traditional practices and care of Indigenous women and their children.

ONWA recognizes the diligent work of Indigenous women utilizing their traditional knowledge and practices to ensure their communities receive the best health care. The work they do is driving change for all Indigenous peoples, promoting wellness and health equity across Turtle Island. We are proud to share these stories in this woven blanket of wise practice, celebrating Indigenous women’s innovative efforts in promoting shared well-being.

To read the online version of the ninth edition of She Is Wise magazine go to:

For more information and media inquiries, contact::
Andre Morriseau, Communications Manager
Ontario Native Women’s Association (ONWA)



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