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September 2013 MMF Constitutional Amendments

April 23, 2014

As per the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) Constitution, the MMF was created to be the democratic and self-governing representative body of the Metis Nation’s Manitoba Metis Community. The MMF provides responsible and accountable governance on behalf of the Manitoba Metis Community using the constitutional authorities delegated by its members.

At the MMF 45th Annual General Assembly, in September 2013, nearly 3,000 delegates passed various constitutional amendments including amendments to the Election By-Law. These were proposed and brought forward by the MMF Board of Directors and distributed to the Local Executive prior to the Assembly as per MMF Constitution rules. The MMF encourages all Metis to visit the MMF website, or get a published hardcopy, and review the revised Constitution. This notice deals with one of the amendments.

The MMF promotes the greatest number of voters to legitimately participate in MMF elections. Article V 10 of the Election By-Law is a relevant amendment that will assist in completing the List of Electors and ensuring that those individuals who are in the process of obtaining MMF membership are given a fair opportunity to participate in the next election:

ARTICLE V Preparation of List of Electors

10.    In the event, that an individual has made application for membership in the Manitoba Metis Federation prior to the date on which the Chief Electoral Officer gives notice of the date of the Election, and that application is processed and the individual is approved by the Central Registry Office prior to Election Day, the Chief Electoral Officer shall add the name of the new member to the List of Electors on Election Day.

What this may mean to you: In the past, it was questionable whether new membership applications that were not submitted, processed and approved prior to the notice (call) of an election should be able to vote. This has now been clarified with article V 10. Under this article, if a new properly complete application is received prior to the call of an election, the MMF will endeavor to process that application before Election Day and, if approved, the new member will be added to the electoral list. Please note that the MMF cannot guarantee that all applications in process as of the call date will be completed and approved prior to Election Day. Those individuals whose applications have not been approved by Election Day will not be eligible to vote.

Any person who is Metis and who is 18 years of age is entitled to be a voting Individual Member of the MMF. All applicants for membership shall be required to provide a genealogy including supporting evidentiary documents completed by a recognized institution to objectively verify the applicant’s Historic Metis Nation Ancestry.

As per the MMF Constitution, the MMF Board of Directors has appointed a Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) who is responsible for setting, managing, and conducting the election pursuant to the Constitution and by-laws of the MMF. An election for MMF President, Regional Vice Presidents and Directors must take place on or before September 14th, 2014. As per his responsibilities, and precedent, the CEO may give notice at anytime to hold the election prior to this date.

The MMF encourages all Metis including existing members to review the MMF Constitution and its requirements for MMF voter eligibility at your earliest opportunity. If you have any questions please contact the MMF Central Registry Office at 204-586-8474.



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