May 8, 2014
A first-quarter survey of startup entrepreneurs’ confidence levels found a whopping 91% were “confident” or “very confident” that their companies would become more profitable in the coming 12 months.
Nearly half anticipate hiring more employees in that time, according to the April poll of nearly 2,000 CEOs by LegalZoom.
That doesn’t surprise Corrine Sandler, CEO of Fresh Intelligence Research Corp., a two-time member of the W100 ranking of Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs, whose global business intelligence company has ranked on the PROFIT HOT 50 ranking of Canada’s Top New Growth Companies.
“Any natural entrepreneur is bursting with confidence, both in him- or herself and in the conditions they control,” says Sandler, author of Wake Up or Die, a comprehensive guide to the use of intelligence in the contemporary business environment.
In fact, she says, confidence is one of the five key traits shared by successful entrepreneurs.