Press Release
Monthly trade in goods by exporter characteristics, December 2020
The number of exporting enterprises in Canada rose 1.4% in December to 19,649, the largest month-over-month growth since July. This occurred against the backdrop of tightening restrictions on business activity in several provinces to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Travel between Canada and other countries, December 2020
Travellers to Canada from both the United States and overseas countries were down 93.0% compared with December 2019. Similarly, the number of Canadian residents returning from abroad was down 91.3% year over year.
Canada’s Agriculture Day: Celebrating the work of farmers with statistics
Today is Canada’s Agriculture Day! It’s an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of Canadian farmers and workers in the food industry, especially during the challenges of the pandemic. Canadian farmers have been working harder than ever to ensure the stability of the food supply chain and to maintain the supply of agricultural products to local and international markets.
Oilseed crushing statistics, January 2021
Oilseed processors crushed 915 553 tonnes of canola in January. Oil production totalled 394 315 tonnes, while meal production totalled 519 645 tonnes.
Milled wheat and wheat flour produced, January 2021
Millers milled 247 840 tonnes of wheat in January, while wheat flour production totalled 186 265 tonnes.
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing: Flash estimate, January 2021
Given the rapidly evolving economic situation, Statistics Canada is providing an advance estimate of sales in the manufacturing sector for January. Advance results indicate that manufacturing sales rose 2.5% in January.
Natural gas transmission, storage and distribution, December 2020
Data for December on the transmission, storage and distribution of natural gas are now available.
Refined petroleum products, January 2021
Data on the production, inventories and domestic consumption of refined petroleum products for Canada are now available for January upon request.