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Timeline-Enbridge’s Northern Gateway oil pipeline proposal – Reuters

Dec 18, 2013

Dec 18 (Reuters) – Here are some key dates in Enbridge Inc’s bid to build a 525,000 barrel per day pipeline from the Alberta oil sands hub of Edmonton to Kitimat, British Columbia, on Canada’s Pacific Coast.

The proposed C$6 billion ($5.61 billion) project has run into fierce opposition from environmentalists and aboriginal groups, and cost estimates have more than doubled since it was first announced.

Canada’s National Energy Board will release its decision on whether to approve the pipeline after financial markets close on Thursday.

March 6, 2002 – Enbridge says it is sketching out plans for a pipeline from northeastern Alberta to Canada’s West Coast.

April 14, 2005 – Enbridge and PetroChina Co sign a deal to cooperate on a C$2.5 billion pipeline to transport 400,000 bpd from Alberta to the West Coast.

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